Wedding Day Romance Wednesday

Hello Lovelies!

My husband and I have done a lot of talking recently about our love life and how to redefine it now that we’re parents. It’s not easy to keep the flame burin’ with a little one in the picture (and literally…in our room!). However, we are both committed to staying connected with each other as husband and wife and keeping our marriage thriving. For after all, we will be the first people to teach C.C. what love looks like and my husband will set the standard for how a man should treat her when she’s older. We can’t afford to fumble that task!

So, I had an idea! Why not share the love with TYD community? For those of you that are married, remember how in love you felt the day you got married? For me personally, I have never felt so beautiful. My husband never looked so fine! It was a wonderful day and the room was overflowing with the sweet, yummy, warm, and fuzzy deliciousness that is… TRUE LOVE.

This is my favorite candid shot from our wedding day. Almost five years in and still going strong!

In honor of the memory of that special day (mine and yours), I’m naming today Wedding Day Romance Wednesday. I want us to remember the romance that was present on that day – not just the wedding. The goal is to celebrate the reasons that made us fall in love in the first place…all the time – not just on our anniversary!

Every Wednesday I’ll post a song, a quote, a picture, or anything that inspires me to keep the romance alive in my marriage. Whether your loved one reads your blog or not…even if you don’t have a blog…make Wednesday your set aside day to show and tell them how much they mean to you. You can write a post, Tweet a message, write a Facebook status, send them a text…whatever works for you! Just put it out there – from your heart to theirs.

Will you join me? I do hope so.

My Wedding Day Romance Moment of the Week:

I love my husband because he has such a way with words. Yesterday, he posted this as his Facebook status:

“Every time I look at my daughter I am reminded of the beautiful woman that precedes her and the one that she will grow up to be. Thanks Angel.”

Ahhh!!! That made my heart melt!

I love, love. πŸ˜‰

If you’re in, leave a note in the comment section!

Posted on June 8, 2011, in Romance Wednesday, The Ring: Marriage. Bookmark the permalink. 81 Comments.

  1. ok…that is by far the best fb status ever. Love it.

  2. Awww, the love you and Moh share is beautiful. I love, love too!

  3. Sounds like a lovely idea.

  4. that picture is PRICELESS!!! love it!!!

    and this entire post?!?!?! *swoons* how wonderful the idea!!! im single but desire to be a wife and mother some day. and i really appreciate hearing ppl in happy/healthy marriages talk about their love and seeing them actively making sure their marriage grows and flourishes.

    thank you so much for this!! im so inspired and excited about my future in love and marraige πŸ™‚

    • Thank you, Gem! Marriage gets such a bad wrap these days. I think it’s time to reflect a positive light on it. I’m glad that you were/are inspired by the post and I pray only the best for you in love and marriage!

  5. I love the this post and the idea! Sounds like a plan to me. I already know what my first Wedding Day Romance Wednesday post will be:)

  6. What a wonderful idea! Us parents do need a reminder every once in a while. #CommentHour

  7. That’s really sweet!! And your pic is beautiful!!
    New follower from commenthour

    Ro πŸ™‚
    Have YOU had YOUR Mom-ME Moment today?

  8. Awww this is sweet. What a great new way to celebrate love. I will try to particiapte and thanks for sharing with us that marriage is still a good thing.

  9. Awww! What a sweet post he made! I love this idea! I’m 7 years into my marriage-we’ve been together nearly 10-and i think it is so important not to let love grow stagnant. This is a great way to keep that from happening!

  10. I guess I will not be visiting on Wednesdays. lol. But your photo is too cute. Visiting from #commenthour

  11. Awwwwww. That’s all I’ve got. A big Awwwwwwwwww.

  12. aw, sweet hubby! and what a good way to remember the romance!

  13. Stopping by from #commenthour — I think this is an amazing idea that each one of us need to try to remember more. I know after 5 years of marriage and 7 years together I often forget those mushy romantic moments! Thanks for a great post!

  14. Oh my goodness, that is a good man you have! I agree it is hard to find balance with a child in the picture. We are still working on it after a year! Good luck!

  15. I got married on the beach in the pouring rain πŸ™‚

  16. How sweet! Your hubby is obviously a keeper πŸ™‚ And I love the wedding pic – you are such a cute couple. And yes, modeling a loving marriage for your kids is SO important. I’m reaping the benefits now that my eldest is 19.

  17. Wow that’s so cool! It is important not to forget you are a couple, not only parents! This Romance Wednesday is a great way not to forget it!!!

  18. Great FB headline from hubby! Glad to “meet” you via #commenthour

  19. Beautiful photo of you two. Love the idea of taking one day each week for the two of you.

    • Thank you! We had a standing weekly date night when we were dating and eventually I want us to get back to that. It’s so important!

  20. visiting from comment hour. LOVE this idea:)

  21. What a great idea. I wrote a post about our wedding for our 7th anniversary back in May. Even just looking back at the pictures reminded me how happy (and thin) I was on that day. Happy to say I’m that happy (but not that thin) today.

  22. gritlysweettea

    I love the idea. I’ll have to explore it more when I have time. Also, I love that comment from your husband. I hope when we have children, mine will think the same.

  23. This is the sweetest post ever. Congrats on your marriage and kudos to you on working on keeping the spark alive πŸ™‚ I’m in! Looking forward to next Wednesday’s post πŸ™‚

  24. What a great idea!! I may not do a post every Wednesday but it will be a reminder to do something nice for hubby at least once a week πŸ™‚

  25. What a beautiful idea – and a gorgeous photo. You could see how in love you two are!

  26. Adorable. Celebrate romance! I think of our relationship all the time. Maybe every week I’ll remind him of a blast from our past. πŸ™‚ #commenthour

  27. Awwwww.. . your husband is so sweet! I love your idea for wedding day romance Wednesday… it’s a perfect reminder!

  28. This is such a beautiful post, a beautiful idea and ended with such a sweet sentiment from your husband! What’s NOT to love about this! I’m in!

  29. Just let me say that you can keep that flame burning. 12 years and 3 kids later, we’re still very HOT for each other. You are right/smart to make it a priority.

  30. I am soooooo in! My hubby and I haven’t made the jump into parenthood yet, but I am still determined to keep the romance alive in our marriage. Great idea!

  31. I can just say AMEN to the need to connect. For Christmas this year, I bought my husband the 12 Dates of Christmas. I picked 12 restaurants, one for each month, and we have a scheduled date night at least once a month. We have deviated a few times, but we do have at least one date night a month, often more, and it’s just been key to our relationship. Great post!

    • I love that 12 Dates of Christmas idea!!!! I might have to borrow that. I do something similar with gifts/presents that I’ll be sharing soon on Wedding Day Romance!

  32. What a great idea. Keeping the romance going is very important for any marriage.

  33. Your hubby is so sweet!

    And what a great idea. Heaven knows I could use a little romance in my Wednesdays to help me make it through the rest of the week!

  34. Great photo and a beautiful quote from your husband. Thanks for sharing this!

  35. Okay, even I teared up at the Facebook status update that your husband posted about you. That is so heartwarming, and definitely a good sign for the future!

    visiting from #commenthour

  36. Great to find the romance in your marriage and to teach your children how to respect the opposite sex. Have fun with this new project

  37. Oh, this is such a lovely idea – I may be single, but reading stories of romance makes me gush a little πŸ˜‰ #commenthour

    • Thank you, Lizzie! I felt the same way when I was single. It’s nice to see positive things about marriage because it gives you something to look forward to. Often times it’s the negative or more difficult things that get played out and discussed, which can be a little discouraging. Love really is grand! πŸ™‚

  38. My Hubby & I have been together since 2007, married in 2009. When we started out I already had 3 teenagers so we’ve never had a time when it was ‘just us’. Every day when I pack his lunch for work, I put a little note in telling him I love him.

  39. I love a good real life romance. Such a sweet post. #commenthour

  40. Aww< my husband said something similar the other night while our 18 month old daughter squirmed, kicked and fidgeted on his lap while he tried for the 7th time to do a straight part in her curly hair. I heard him murmer, "She get it from her mama."

    I smiled, beamed actually, cuz my husband had always complimented me on the way I wear my hair. So, believing he was proud of having two beautiful women in his life with curly hair, I said, "She sure do!" My husband turned to face me.

    "So you admit you have ADHD?"

  1. Pingback: Wedding Day Romance Wednesday « The M Spot

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