Category Archives: Blogging


Hi Friends!

Today is a special day for me because:

1) My daughter is 10 months old today

2) I’m featured on the awesome website, Black and Married with Kids

3) I have a new blog home! Yep, that’s right. I took the training wheels off and have graduated to my own website! I’m so excited! Here’s the link to my new home. See you there!

Don’t forget to update your bookmarks, favorites, and weblinks!

My Latest Blog Obession: Chocolate Hair, Vanilla Care

Hi friends!

You all know that I will never fail to share with you things/people/blogs/stuff that I like to obsess over. Today’s object of my blog-reading-affection is the hair care blog, Chocolate Hair, Vanilla Care. The blog is authored by a lovely woman named Rory. She and her husband are parents to an adorable, three-year-old little girl whom they lovingly call, Boo. They adopted Boo when she was just a few days old and have given her the warm and loving home that every child is deserving of.  The blog offers a front seat view on what trans-racial option looks like, with the focal point being how Rory learned to care for the hair of an African Amercian child. That’s a daunting task for any new mom, let alone one that may not have any point of reference on what natural hair looks and feels like, much less how to care for it.

When C.C. was around three or four months old, I began to search the net for tips on how to start caring for her hair. Sure, I’ve been combing my own hair for almost twenty years (gosh, I’m getting old!), but combing someone else’s is an entirely different story. I wanted to get a jump start on what I could expect, even moreso with me being on my own natural hair journey. Some people I know thought I was jumping the gun a bit, but I’m a firm believer that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

After doing some Google searching, I happened upon CHVC one night. I think what struck me about the site (and what continues to make it successful, in my opinion) is that Rory offers step by step instruction on how to braid, cornrow, wash, detangle,etc. her daughter’s hair. She offers tips and PICTURES of styles and maintenance, which is what I was craving. I wanted to see examples (ya’ll know how I feel about pictures!) and she presented exactly what I was looking for. I was thoroughly impressed.

To be completely honest, however, I was slightly disappointed that this new insanely helpful resource that I had literally been searching for, was done by a white woman. Not to mention, another leading blog/site on natural hair for children, Beads Braids and Beyond is also run by a white woman. I asked myself, “Why haven’t WE done this for ourselves?” But as quickly as that thought came, it left (I’m seriously talking a matter of minutes, here). I realized that none of that really mattered. Rory is a mom of a beautiful-brown-girl, to whom she wants to give the best care…just like me. That’s it. Black, white, whatever. It’s a mother’s love. Period.

Since then I have become a faithful reader of CHVC. The site is growing and I’m a full supporter and believer in her success! We’ve chatted online a bit and I find her to be incredibly sweet and hope to meet her one day (she lives in California, too).

For your clicking pleasure, here are some more links that will help you get to know more about Rory, Boo, and the blog!

Feature Loop21 Article: The Creator of Chocolate Hair, Vanilla Care Speaks

Feature Black Girl Long Hair: White Mother’s Opinion on Touching Daughter’s Natural Hair  – This post has garnered a whopping 294 comments! The subject matter of hair touching (in this case, Rory’s open letter about it) sparked a huge debate. Most of the comments are supportive, but there are a bunch that are mean and plain old nasty, which I find unfortunate. I wish people can get beyond the color issue (like I did) and appreciate her efforts to be a good mom, instead of tearing her down. SMH!

Please make sure to check the site out and show her some love!

I’m being featured today!

Hello Lovelies!

I’m being featured today at this super cool blog that I love, called, Keeping Up with the Joneses! The blog’s author, Angela, is doing a series on confidence (what it is, and how you define it) and I’m so happy to be apart of it!

Click HERE to stop by and check it out! And while you’re there, hang out for a bit and show her blog some love!

Confessions of a Blog Stalker: Meet my Latest Obession

Sometimes I get lost in the blogger universe because there are so may great blogs out there that I want to read, but just don’t have the time to. Then there are some blogs that keep me from reading others because I get sucked in and check back for new content everyday (sometimes more than once a day #dontjudgeme). I start to develop…like…an obsession. Yes, I said it. I have blog obsessions and may even be classified as a blog stalker! 🙂

Remember how it felt when you first got that CD you’d been wanting for like, EVER and then you played it over and over again until it was scratched beyond recognition? It’s kinda like that, just with blogs! I don’t want to be the only one drooling over my fave new blogs so I decided to share a few with you (as my obsessions develop), so you can drool too. I enjoy reading blogs that offer great content and that make me laugh, think, and feel inspired!

The blog I’m currently stalking is Man Wife and Dog Blog, authored by Charli Penn-Watkins.

The tag for the blog is: Tales from a Rookie Wife’s Life and she hit the nail on the head! Her writing style is fun, engaging, and conversational (a woman after my own heart!). She writes witty and thought provoking posts about her experiences with being a newlywed. She and her husband make an adorable couple and their little doggie takes the cute factor to a level 10! If you’re an animal lover or parent to a “fur baby,” then this blog’s for you, too!

I enjoy reading Charli’s blog because she writes from an honest perspective about what being married means – to her and in general, making her posts easy to relate to if you’re a rookie or veteran wife. She gives great advice and even offers a space every Monday for other wives to share and offer their best tips and tricks for having a successful marriage.

Please take a moment to visit the blog and tell her I sent ya!

She’s also on Twitter (where I found her) and she tweets back, so hit her up!

Oh, wait! Annnnddd I forgot to mention that she’s also the newest Relationship Editor for! Uhhh, can you say: big thangs poppin’?! Congrats, again! I love to see young, successful Black women making moves and achieving great things!

Why Tara Pringle Jefferson is a Rockstar: A Book Review

There’s been a lot of talk here lately on TYD about another blog called, The Young Mommy Life. If you follow TYD regularly, then you know that I’m now a guest blogger for YML (try and keep up with the abbreviations, lol) and that I la-la-love the blog’s author, Tara Pringle Jefferson! She personifies being a Superwoman! Que Alicia Keys’ track…

Tara is a freelance writer, blogger, grad student, wife, mommy of two, and now: author!!!! Yes, in the midst of all those titles – she wrote a book. It’s called Make It Happen: The Young Mommy Guide to Creating the Career You Crave and it’s available now on

I read it last night and boy does she not disappoint! The book lives up to its title and offers clear, sound tips and advice for the young woman that desires to unlock the mystery of managing motherhood and a career – whether you work in or outside the home. I found her suggestions to be practical and easy to follow.

I personally have a short list of big goals…so many ideas about things I want to do, and Make it Happen helped to reel me in a bit and focus. It’s a must read for any young woman (not just moms, or young moms for that matter) that need that extra push of motivation to make their dreams a reality.

This was actually the first part of a series, and I can’t wait to see what’s next. At just 25 years old, Tara has accomplished so many great things and I find her to be a true inspiration. I celebrate this achievement with you, girlfriend…congratulations!


Blogging is the new Mary Kay

This is my fourth year as a blogger and I’m learning so many new things about what that title really means. I write under the label of a ‘mommy blogger’ because this, my second blog, was inspired by my pregnancy last year. It has been a vehicle to share my pregnancy, birth, and life as a first time mom (plus whatever else my little heart desires!).  I’ve connected with people from all over the U.S. with this blog and am still expanding that network through communities like

I’ve discovered that I truly have a passion for writing as a result of blogging and I’m channeling that passion into other areas. While I’m not a journalist, or even a published author (yet!) I still feel like I have a voice and something worthwhile to say, and this blog gives me a platform to speak that voice. I can write about whatever I feel like writing about, and that’s a freedom that I enjoy.

It’s fascinating to me how you can turn a blog into a business venture, which is why I feel like blogging is the new Mary Kay. You can run ads, do product reviews, attend conferences, whatever you like! It’s a way to potentially earn income while sitting at home in your pajamas. The biggest difference though, is that instead of selling make up and skin care products, the product is YOUR opinion…and who can beat that?

I would venture to say that virtually every American woman knows another woman that either sells Mary Kay or uses their line of products. It’s well known in the U.S. and abroad as an opportunity for women who desire to be self employed to start their own business. You can use the opportunity to become an “Independent Beauty Consultant” on a part-time or full time basis. It’s basically up to you how you want the business to grow. It has given women all over the country (and beyond) a chance to change their lives for the better. Love it or hate it, that’s the truth!

I’m sure you’re thinking it…so no, this is not a written commercial for Mary Kay! The bottom line here is that these two opportunities are a source of empowerment and connecting for women. Whether you enjoy make up or like to write, you have a chance to tell the world your story and by doing so, encourage, strengthen, and inspire other women!

Let’s share some link love!

Post a link to your blog, Mary Kay site, or small business in the comments section!

A TYD Milestone

Hooray! Today, this here little blog reached a milestone with its 200th comment! I have no idea if that means anything in the blogosphere, but to me, it means A LOT!

It means that people are not just visiting, they’re staying for a while…and talking! Which means that the content is thought provoking and worthy of commentary. To a writer (especially a novice like me) that means EVERYTHING.

So thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who support this blog and take the time to leave your thoughts! I truly appreciate it.