My Time Deep in the Heart of Texas!

As you know I spent a little over a week in Texas last week, supporting my sister with the arrival of her baby girl. I had a great time and I really feel the experience brought us closer together as sisters, friends, and now mothers!

I hadn’t been back to Texas (I lived there as a kid) since I was a teenager and some things really struck me! I loved how there was an overall slower pace, everyone was so friendly, and there was so much space! Living in a big city in SoCal almost made me forget that your neighbors don’t have to be SO close to you that you can see them pick their boogers at night. LOL

I wanted to take lots and lots of pictures, but it just didn’t happen that way. So here are some things that caught my eye.

First, let’s talk about this Target. This was the BIGGEST Target I have ever seen in my life! It was ginormous! Obviously you can tell by the number that there are 24 cashier lines, but look how far they seem to go back. And a bunch of them were open, to boot! I was astonished.

Here’s another shot to give you a feel for the Super Target. Targets here in California include a grocery ‘section,’ but Super Targets have a full on grocery store. Aisles and aisles of things to further induct you into the black whole that is any Target in America. If you look closely, you’ll see to the left that the two team members are ACTUALLY working. That is a sight unseen these days!

The pictures above and below are of my sister’s doctor’s office. No, not his house…his office. I mean, seriously! How fancy can you get? It was so warm and cozy all that was missing was a fireplace! #lovedit

I found this fountain to be so striking. It was in the lobby of the hospital. I especially liked the fact that all of the money collected in the fountain goes to charity. What a sweet gesture!

This was hanging on the door next to my sister’s hospital room. I forgot how popular mums are in Texas. It was just too cute for me to pass up taking a picture of! So creative!

And last but not least, allow me to introduce to you the newest member of the Yeyo Diaries (and my real) family: my niece, Sugar! No, that’s not her real name. 🙂 Auntie love you!

I kept saying this to myself the whole time I was there! Loved this moment in the movie!!!!

What do you love the most about living where you live?

Posted on July 5, 2011, in The Woman: All about me. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Congrats auntie. Happy mum and daughter are doing well.

  2. Aww…she is so cute! And I love out Super Targets. What I love most about the Queen City is that there are lots of things to do. Plus, I am less than 2 hours away from my family.

  3. Your niece is a cutie!! We don’t have a Super Target here. Thank goodness because I don’t think I would spend any time at home. What I love most about Greenville is our downtown area. It is centered around a beautiful park and river. There are lots of great restaurants and it’s very walkable. Also, we are two hours from Charlotte to the north and two hours from Atlanta to the south.

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