Happy 10 Month Born Day, C.C.!

Dear Baby Girl,

You’re ten months old today! I can’t believe it. It truly feels like just yesterday that you were this quiet little newborn that stole my heart the moment I laid eyes on you. Boy have things changed! You still hold my heart captive (and you always will), but that quiet part is done and over with!

You have a laugh that’s full and infectious. The way your little nose crinkles up when you’re happy…makes me happy. Beyond measure. You’re babbling and ba-ba-ing every word. I swear it feels like you’re actually talking!

You are a scootin’ pro and now with your walker, no area of our home is off limits to your curious little mind and feet! That thing is like your very own, personal bumper car.

At ten months it’s fair to say that you got a pretty heavy dose of the personality gene from me and your dad. Every time we take you out, it’s a show. You’re hamming it up for the sales people, smiling, waving, and pointing at people like a celebrity. You’re such a rock star! And I think you know it. You’re starting to push the boundaries a little bit with doing things you’re not supposed to and throwing mini tantrums…but as you know, mama ain’t havin’ it! Teaching discipline, even at this early age is a difficult transition, but it’s my and daddy’s responsibility – and we won’t shy away from it.

Wanna know what I love best about this stage you’re in? You give the BEST hugs. A hug from you is one of the few things in this world that can calm me when I’m anxious, excite me when I’m sad, and teach me about pure love. All you do is spread your tiny arms out across my chest and lay your head on my shoulder. And with that, my dear, all is well in my world.

In just a couple short months you’ll be on official big girl status! I can’t wait to celebrate your first birthday. And it’s so appropriate that December is your birth month, because your presence in my life is the gift that keeps on giving…just like God’s gift to us in His son Jesus. You have given us so much to look forward to in the coming years. But for now, I’m thankful for each day I get to see your million-dollar-eight-toothed-smile that beams brighter than the sun.

Love always,

Your Mommy

Posted on October 6, 2011, in A Yeyo's Letter, The Rattle: Everything Baby. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. She is a cutie:) It is going by so quickly, isn’t it?! Have you started planning the party yet? I know what I want to do, I just need to start putting the plan into action! LOL

  2. It truly is! I can’t believe she’ll be a year old soon. I’m in the same place concerning her party! I know it’ll be small, with just family and close friends…but I still need to work out the details. I can’t wait!

  3. Happy 10 Months!! Wow, time went by fast. She’s almost 1!!

  4. Girl, that’s a beautiful letter! Every drip-drop of your love is pouring out of every word. What a gorgeous and blessed baby. Happy 10 months C.C.

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